Professional Coaching

Whether you’re an entrepreneur, new small business, got a new job/promotion, or seeking work/life balance – you’ll gain clarity about who you are, what your message is, discover your values, identify what inspires you, and create the steps to craft your path.

Entrepreneurial Coaching:

  • Identify dreams/ultimate goals, niche (ideal clients), develop next steps/approaches to achieve your goals
  • Develop a personal “mission statement” or pitch for networking.
  • Process coaching bi/weekly to discover how best to approach tasks.
  • Provide exercises and accountability check-in’s to gauge accomplishments.
  • Identify approaches to bump up to the next level/get more out of life.
  • Any professional matter client  wishes and willing to work on.
  • Coaching alliances of at least three months (proven by the ICF) best assists clients to develop strategies, manage time, work performance, communications, make more effective decisions, and determine priorities.
  • Work/life balance:
    • Stressed and are things out of place? You’ll gauge aspects of your life and finally identify what divides your focus to get your priorities back on track.

“Who looks inside, awakens”  – Carl Jung.


 “I was pleasantly surprised that the session flow was like a conversation I had with a longtime friend. Vince’s thoughtful, unbiased, and unattached questions and responses helped me identify solutions that I applied immediately. If you’re searching for direction, need priority organizing, or have any issues you’d like to gain solutions to in your personal or business lives – work with Vince. His program can help you as well!”                                                                                                                                         – Anthony, sales, Boston

     “Vince helped me focus on the change I want see in my life and then pan back to understand the steps I needed to take to achieve that change. After working with Vince, I understood that it isn’t enough to know where I want to go. If I find myself stuck, I need to identify what my roadblocks are. He helped me uncover the B that would move me from A to C. He asked the incisive questions that uncovered the fears and challenges I was repressing and helped me work out the path (B) that I needed to move from my present (A) to my future goal (C).”                                                                                                  – TJ, Waltham

     “Vince has been amazing to work with. I’ve gained clarity and new ideas to many situations, especially in the career aspect of my life. He has also helped me to bring organization and clear focus to many areas including my daily schedule. He’s great at bringing things out about myself that always existed, but would not have fully surfaced without his help. I highly recommend working with Vince to anyone!              Michelle, MA

     “Vince helped me identify and reduce my work distractions by asking great questions and helping me realize where there are inefficiencies in my business. While at the same time helping me identify and break down my goals . I’m grateful that he helped me figure out where I’d like to be.”                                                                                  – Arthur, realtor, MA

     “vince helped me shed light on my various commitments, make a weekly schedule that fits my life, and helped me think of strategic ways to get long-term projects done in a manageable fashion.”                                                             -Justin W., WordStream, Boston MA

     “Vince’s calm, caring presence and insightful questions enabled me to figure out what I want and how to get it. He listened carefully to my wants and needs, employed attitude adjustments as required, and helped me reach my goals. Thank you!”                          – B.W.
